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The hospital visit that started it all…

March 13th, 2009

Malachi’s mother Jocelyn took him to the emergency room shortly before 9:00 AM on Thursday, March 12, 2009.  They were seen rather quickly.

Malachi had an X-Ray and a CT Scan of his left thigh bone (femur) and knee.  The doctor indicated to Jocelyn that although he wasn’t sure what it was, there was “definitely something”, and that Malachi should be referred to the IWK Health Centre (formerly the “IWK Children’s Hospital” in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  He suggested that Malachi would be seen there within a week.

Although we all knew that Malachi would ultimately be OK, each of us went through a process where we eventually realized that this could be something serious.  The next few days were very difficult – all we could do is keep a brave face for Malachi and each other, and try not to panic about any worst-case scenarios.

Thankfully we only had to wait a few days for the call from the IWK.

And this is where the big part of Malachi’s journey begins.

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