Background – Malachi’s Leg Pain – Fall of 2008
In the Fall of 2008, Malachi began experiencing pain in his left leg and knee. At first it was a dull pain, coming and going from day to day. Then sometime around October 2008, he began to limp, putting as little weight on the leg as possible because of the pain.
As he is a tall, growing boy, and the pain was in his lower femur (thigh bone), a common place for kids to have growing pains, it was easy to assume that this was a growing pain of some sort. And that’s what most of us thought, at least at first.
When it got to the point where the pain caused him to miss some school, his mother Jocelyn brought him to the emergency room at the Moncton hospital. They checked him out, took an X-Ray, and it appeared as though nothing was wrong. He was sent home and most of us returned to the assumption that it was growing pains.
Shortly after, the pain went away. Thoughout the Fall and Christmas holidays, Malachi had occasional leg pain, but it usually went away within a day. He occasionally limped, but when asked about the pain he said it only hurt a little.